Contents tagged with Volunteer
The third annual PACC Volunteer of the Year award was presented at the 2021 AGM recently to former PACC President, Gemma Kernich!
Port Adelaide Cycling Club wouldn't be the amazing club it is today without our most valuable and dedicated volunteers.
Port Adelaide Cycling Club held a Strategic Planning Day twelve months ago at our new club home at Hanson Reserve. The Club's Committee has since released the Strategic Plan and from that session it was identified a need for three sub committees in order to better execute the goals of the Club established from this day and improve our offering to our members.
Juniors! Are you aged 13 - 17 and want to get an up close experience at the Tour Down Under? Well, we have been approached by organisers for our junior members to volunteer as Stage Assistants or Sign On Assistants again in 2020.
The new working with children check (WWCC) that is being introduced from 1 July 2019 replaces the current system, where people can have either a Department of Human Services (DHS) child-related employment screening, or a National Police Certificate assessed by their employer/volunteer-involving organisation.
The Committee is seeking assistance from members who have a car with a tow bar and a bit of free time to transport the the club trailer to and from our events.
The trailer will be housed at the Adelaide Super-Drome at Gepps Cross and we need it to be collected and returned before and after races. Pick up and drop off are flexible (as long as you have a secure place for it to be stored until it is returned). With 12 CX events a year, we hope to be able to get multiple volunteers and share the load over the CX winter and summer seasons.
Please email [email protected] if you are interested in assisting.
Alternatively, if any members have large or access to cheap storage facilities in the city or city fringe, please contact the Committee.
Photo: Stacey Klein snaps Mitch Vervaart leaping the barriers while David "Millo" Miller keeps an eye on the trailer.
The Port Adelaide Cycling Club Committee released its Mission Statement and Strategic Plan at the end of 2018 following consultation with its members. It provides a clear strategy and outlines of initiatives to develop our club and the sport within the community. The Plan is categorised into six key pillars of Governance, Club Development, Competition and Events, Communication and IT, Volunteer Development and Coordination and Sport Development.
Over two days last weekend a small army descended upon the Hanson Reserve Clubrooms to scrape, wash, repair, tidy, patch, scrub, sand, unclog and paint. From top to bottom volunteers from Port Adelaide CC and Kilkenny CC (plus friends) gave the old clubrooms a 'makeover'. The dreary depressing brown dusty interior has been replaced with a welcoming white and with a little more work will turn into a very welcoming and comfortable space. The outside now has functional gutters and with a change in colour the clubhouse certainly has more street appeal.
With the imminent return of Hanson Reserve Velodrome for the clubs' use there is some excitng news, but we need help on all fronts!