Port Adelaide Cycling Club follows the policies and procedures of AusCycling where the club does not have its own in operation.


Policy No       Title                                                                            Dated                     First Implemented             To be Reviewed     
PACC P00 Port Adelaide Cycling Club Constitution August 2021 - April 2023
PACC P01 Governance Statement July 2022 8 October 2018 April 2023
PACC P02 Office Bearers and Board Members July 2022 8 October 2018 April 2023
PACC P03 Committees (refer Terms of Reference below) July 2022 8 October 2018 April 2023
PACC P04 Complaints Handling draft - to be approved
PACC P05 Conduct of Meetings July 2022 31 August 2020 April 2023
PACC P06 Financial Management July 2022 April 2000

Junior Grants

July 2022 31 August 2020 April 2023
PACC P08 Life Membership July 2022 3 December 2018 April 2023
PACC P09 Volunteer Management draft - to be approved
PACC P10 Volunteer Recognition July 2022 31 August 2020 April 2023

Role Statements

All Role Statements will be reviewed after the committee is appointed at the AGM. This will ensure that the responsibilities are allocated to those with the appropriate skills to undertake the functions of the role.

Role                                         First Implemented     
President  October 2019
Vice President October 2019
Secretary October 2019
Treasurer October 2019
Committee Member October 2019

The following role statements outline functions performed by Committee Members or by other Members under appointment from the Committee.

Role                                          First Implemented     
Clothing and Merchandise Officer December 2019
 Motor Pacer November 2020

Terms of Reference

All Sub-Committees will be governed by a Terms of Reference that will be approved by the Committee.​

Sub-Committee                                        First Implemented     
Development February 2019
Competition and Events February 2019
Volunteers, Communication and Social February 2019

AusCycling Policies

Refer to the AusCycling website for all AusCycling Governance, Rules and Policies

AGM Minutes

Copies of the Minutes from previous AGMs can be found here:

2024 - 2024 AGM Minutes - signed