The Port Adelaide Cycling Club Committee released its Mission Statement and Strategic Plan at the end of 2018 following consultation with its members. It provides a clear strategy and outlines of initiatives to develop our club and the sport within the community. The Plan is categorised into six key pillars of Governance, Club Development, Competition and Events, Communication and IT, Volunteer Development and Coordination and Sport Development.

To assist with progressing the ideas and achieve the objectives and initiatives in the plan, the Committee has decided to create three sub-committees. This is an opportunity for members to have direct input into the future of our club and Expressions of Interst are now invited for membership of the sub-committees.

The three sub-committees are:

Development - development of club training programs and calendars, training and social rides, coordination of club teams and supporting the development of member coaches and commissaires. 

Competition and Events - to coordinate sustainable and attractive PACC events for members and the wider cycling community.

Volunteers, Communication and Social - to ensure active engagement with volunteers, members and potential members through regular and up to date communication and social events.

While these sub-committees each have a formal Terms of Reference, it is anticipated that they will be made up of a group of passionate club members, working together to do what they do best. If you want further details, please contact the Committee via email, or talk to one of the Committee Members.

Interested?  Complete the  Expression of Interest form and return to the Committee by 31 March.

Photo:  Carl Purczel captures PACCers Mick Young, Phil Dixon and Darren Searle at the 2018 Oceania Track Championships

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