Several PACCers along with the SA team travelled to Brisbane, QLD over 12-15 March to race the National Masters Track Championships at the Anna Meares 'Annadome' Velodrome.
Due to the growing COVID-19 crisis worldwide, and acting upon advice from State and Federal Governments, and our State and National Sporting Organisations Cycling SA, Cycling Australia and Mountain Bike Australia, the Port Adelaide Cycling Club is cancelling all upcoming races and coached training sessions for the immediate future, pending further advice.
The weekly scheduled training session at Hanson Reserve has been cancelled for tonight 17th March 2020.
Sports Vouchers is a State Government initiative administered by the Office for Recreation and Sport and Racing (ORSR). The program is an opportunity for primary school children to receive a $100 discount on sports club/membership fees. This is double what was previously on offer. The purpose is to increase the numbers of children playing organised sport and to reduce the costs for parents.