We will be having a short break in training at Hanson Reserve Velodrome over the Christmas / New Year period.
Contents tagged with Track
Port Adelaide CC is excited to be teaming up with Kilkenny Cycling Club and Cycling SA to present the Return to Hanson Reserve track and cyclo-cross event, incorporating the official (re)opening of the Velodrome with the City of Port Adelaide Enfield.
Port Adelaide Cycling Club, with assistance from Cycling South Australia is pleased to announce the first of its Get on Track programs at the newly renovated Hanson Reserve Velodrome.
Port Adelaide CC's Maeve Plouffe (Australia - Elite), Holly Takos (Australia - Elite), Lara Tucker (South Australian Sports Institute - Elite), and Kat Chung-Orr (South Australian Sports Institute -J19) represented Australia at the recent Oceania Cycling Confederation Track Championships in Invercargill, New Zealand.
Loosely known as ‘The Battle of Hoth’, a special one-off Seight Sports Sprint Wars was run by PACC at the Superdrome on Sunday afternoon. With the addition of quite a few top-notch visitors from interstate and some ‘local’ HPU riders, the field was set to commence the attack/defence of Echo Base, leaving Admiral Ozzel dead on the floor of the Executor and Han Solo struggling to get the Millennium Falcon ready for the evacuation…but I digress…
Hanson Reserve is back in regular use with PACC and Kilkenny CC jointly running two training sessions per week at the outdoor velodrome, under lights. The canteen is open, and the training is extremely popular with 55 riders the highest number recorded to date!
Motorpace Thursdays - Hanson Reserve
Motor Pacing at Hanson Reserve Velodrome on Thursday nights is designed for you to get in some safe training in at a pace and effort level that suits you - from the beginner to the … more
Track Training
Track Training
General Track - Tuesday nights, weekly, Hanson Reserve.
Motorpace Night - Thursday nights, weekly. Click here for details.
Sessions are cancelled if the track gets too … more
The City of Port Adelaide Enfield has provided us with a Hanson Reserve Velodrome restoration completion date of 8 April 2019, with training and racing to recommence there at ASAP. As of yesterday (Monday 18 March) the track's safety fence plinth pour had commenced and will be completed at a rate of about 40m per day. This extends the track's grade right to the barrier fence, which will be fine (25mm) chainmesh, with track-side and spectator-side safety rails similar to the SuperDrome.
Congratulations to PACC representatives in the recently announced South Australian Track team that will be heading off to Queensland for the National Track Championships in early April.