Congratulations to PACC representatives in the recently announced South Australian Track team that will be heading off to Queensland for the National Track Championships in early April. 

James Brister, Holly Takos and Elsie Van Hoof will be competing in the Elite Sprint events and Maeve Plouffe will represent in the Elite Endurance events. Katarina Chung Orr and Olivia Wheeler will be part of what should be a super-quick U19 Team Pursuit team, also racing the other Endurance events. For the Juniors we have Sophie Ashley, Max Liebeknecht and Jacqueline Voltz who will take part in a wide range of Track events.

Good luck to them and the rest of the SA team - race hard and have fun!

Read the full SA Team announcement here.

Photo:  Tim Loft snapped Olivia Wheeler, Kat Chung Orr, Ella Sibley (SCCC) and Elsie Van Hoof at the Adelaide Super-Drome

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