Full results for the State CX Champs are available in two different formats:

  • Crossmgr with animation and race charts on results.pacc.org.au
  • Uploaded to Crossresults.com so you can 'rate that race' and discover your nemesis (try clicking in your name, or 'stalk' a mate!)

Photos: If you have some photos from today, please link your album on the crossresults.com results page so others can find them! Or on instagram #pacccx

Thanks to all riders at sign-on - we had a technical failure this morning with the WiFi so had to resort to paper. Kudos as every rider remembered their race numbers etc!

Despite the small technical hitch, did have a win trialling a finish line camera that captures each rider as they cross the line though! This is Chris Jongewaard crossing the line for the Elite Men's win:

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