We are aiming to return to more 'normal' club activities in the week starting 1st June 2020, as permitted by law. While this means we can start to recommence some of our activities, we are still limited in what we can offer. Our interpretation of the Emergency Declaration is we generally offer a non-contact sport (where any contact between participants that does occur, is accidental) and we can make changes to our activities to try to keep riders, coaches, officials and volunteers Covid-safe.
As we move towards the 'new normal' and plan to return to training sessions and club rides and races we ask that our members and other participants that attend our events note the following:
“Get in, train, get out”
The concept of “Get in, train, get out” was introduced by the AIS in
this document in early May. When you turn up to a training session or event under current COVID-19 restrictions, your primary purpose should be to participate, not socialise or hang out for hours at the venue. We know this is difficult and socialising is one of the main reasons people enjoy our activities but in the current environment it's not something we can facilitiate - so no BBQs and beers for a while.
Similarly, volunteering at an event will be managed in a way to ensure we can all 'social distance' but still get the job done in a rewarding way.
While activities have a limit on the number of participants, people at events are going to have to pre-enter/register and sign-on if offered (there may be a roll-call instead) will be contactless. For club rides, any group that exceeds the current cap on participants must be split by the responsible person into groups of an acceptable size.
Spectators can attend training or events if they are required as transport or other necessary service for a participant. In these cases, it should be limited to one support person per session.
BOOKING ESSENTIAL FOR TRAINING COMMENCING 1 JUNE 2020! Track training at returns to Hanson for all ages from the week beginning 1 June. Junior Dirt Skills returns 12th July.
Monday sessions - Closed due to Public Holiday 8th June
Tuesday sessions - Eventbrite links
Thursday Moto-Pace - Eventbrite links
Time Trial