Another PACCer you might have seen around the TDU is Jade Lean, Mechanic for ARA Australian Cycling Team for the Women's race (which also features PACC riders Maeve Plouffe and Alli Anderson!).

So, How did you get your role in the TDU?

"I work with the Australian track cycling program, which means we're always an option to lean on if needed. I'm just doing the womens race at this stage."

What does your day look like and what are you responsible for?

"I'll get into the tour village at about 7 or 7:30am to make sure all the bikes and spares are OK. I'd prefer to have time to spare instead of rushing around at the last minute.  The bikes are checked and prepped then they are loaded onto the team car, and some spares go in the van.  Then I'll help the carers pack and load up the drinks and eskies into the the van so we're ready to roll out in the team convoy that leaves the village.  When we're at the start, the bikes are unloaded ready to race. During the race I'm sitting in the car hoping not much goes wrong, yesterday it was handing out a lot of bottles from the team car, and also filling up more bottles and mixing drinks, but yesterday most of the riders didn't want mix, they just wanted water.  Other than that, sitting in the back of the car scrolling Instagram (LOL).  After the race it's loading everything back up and returning to the village, giving the bikes a wash and check, and I'm all done by about 7pm."

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